Generativity Stimulus Package:
1. Generativity Positioning

Posted by Bob on April 10th, 2008

The real reason why the tax rebate has been agreed upon as an economic stimulus package is that it is good for politicians in an election year. Such a stimulus package has never worked before and will never work in the future. As economic conditions worsen, we must cease playing in “the baby pool” and return again to swim in “the adult’s ocean.” Welcome to my world of Generativity, something that I have proven to be vital to productivity and growth.

Generativity is a processing system that enables us to “think outside the box,” to “see beyond the high beams.” It emphasizes expanding and then narrowing representations that evolve from linear and two-dimensional information to multidimensional, curvilinear and changeable information. Generativity transforms raw data into preferred modes of representing information which are most closely aligned with the nature of the phenomena themselves. In short, generativity creates images of “something more” where there was only data in the form of “nothing but.”

The platform for Generativity Positioning may be viewed in Figure 1. As may be noted, it characterizes all elements of human endeavor with the “generativity” adjective: economy, community, organization, education, governance. In other words, the driving force is generative human processing.

The Generativity Platform begins with The Generative Economy. This is an Entrepreneurial-driven Free Enterprise Economy. It generates the Prosperity upon which the other Pillars of Civilization are based: Participation in Governance, Peace in Cultural Relating.

In this context, the Generative Economy is supplemented by the Prosperous Community. Within that community, interdependently processing productive organizations are implemented by creative thinking school graduates. Finally, our generative, growth-oriented governance is empowered by enlightened leadership (think “We the People”) who engage in Nation-Building.

What makes this Generativity Platform different from all other political proposals is that it is derived from “actionable architecture” and “operational technologies.” It is not simply conceptual: for example, candidates talking about taking finances from one pot (the war) and putting them in another pot (the domestic agenda). In other words, this platform is based on projects that have been validated and are, therefore, predictable in their effects.

The Generativity Platform
Figure 1. The Generativity Platform

Generativity is the only stimulus package that will work for America! Generativity or creativity in all areas of human endeavor alone can bring America back to its leadership role. Generativity must be the backbone of the presidential platform which defines all leadership priorities for America now at the beginning of the 21st century.


  1. G banks Says:

    Dear Bob,

    Your Generativity Platform challenges us as a nation to get serious or “step-up” with relation to our capacity and our responsibility for the freedom secured for us by the Founding Fathers and the sacrifices of countless other Americans.

    The Generativity Platform among other things, is the basis of a sense of direction for our country. It is a sense of direction that includes relating to our human experiences, securing our full participation and recognition in governance, all driven by the economic energy of entrepreneurial-driven free enterprise.

    With the Generativity Platform we have an empathic, inclusive, humanly productive framework for guiding the formation and conduct of our foreign and domestic policy in service to our nation and in providing world leadership. With such a platform we can reverse the retarding, decaying effects of decisions based on self interests that lead us into policies that squander the extraordinary resources that we possess.

    Thank you Bob. Let’s “Step Up.”

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