Presidential Positioning: Freedom Scores for Candidates:
3. Obama’s “Virtual Opportunity”

Posted by Bob on March 3rd, 2008

No one has been enabled more than Barack Obama by the Bush administration’s incompetency. Indeed, “enabled” is the signifying verb, for Obama has an addiction—a very large addiction—a “tax-and-spend” addiction.

Somehow it seems appropriate that Obama’s “Virtual Opportunity” is attractive to the “Virtual Generations”—X’ers, Y’s and Z’s. Many of them live a schizoid existence “online and in-line.”

It also seems appropriate that Obama’s “Community Organization” specialty would motivate these seemingly marginalized and forgotten generations. He will excite them with words of a revival meeting: “It is our turn, now!” And they will be picked up and taken to vote (if they’re old enough): “Going my way?”

To his credit, Obama preaches “Community Relating.” So long as you embrace his process, he will engage you in the community. If you are individualists as are many Americans, he will simply impose the community’s will upon you—“Alinsky Style!”

In short, Obama’s organizations will march to open or close any offices and elect or defeat any office-holders. There is no place for freedom impulses let alone Libertarian attitudes of individual freedom!

Obama has now revealed his plan for “BIG GOVERNMENT:”

  • A “Green-Energy Agency;”
  • An “Infrastructure Investment Bank;”
  • Expanded “Universal Health Care;”
  • “Reopening of Trade Deals” to raise the barriers to Free Trade;
  • “Regulating Profits” for Pharmaceuticals, Health Insurers, and Energy Corporations;
  • “Establishing Mortgage-Interest Tax Credits;”
  • “Expanding Numbers of People Receiving Earned-Income Tax Credits (EITC);
  • “Tripling the EITC Benefit for Minimum-Wage Workers.”
  • With more to come once he advocates on behalf of his community groups!

The Obama projections are already approaching one trillion dollars ($1,000,000,000,000).

Two questions:

  1. Did anyone you know participate in helping to formulate his agenda?
  2. How do you feel about having the costs imposed upon you and your progeny for generations to come?

Again, “This Economics Thing” is simple for Obama: “Just close down the military operations and shift the funds to the community.”

Regarding the peace dividend, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) concluded that the costs for maintaining a military presence in the Middle East “would total $1.055 trillion over the 2008–2017 period.” (Check it out!)

The other source of funding for Obama is raising the taxes on the wealthy: According to a December 2007 CBO study, the top 20% of households paid over 86% of individual federal income taxes and nearly 70% of all federal taxes. (Check it out!)

In this regard, entrepreneurism is given “short shrift.” Entrepreneurism apparently is viewed as a government-subsidized, affirmative-action initiative to transform the unemployed into profit-making entrepreneurs (“subsidized risk-taking” is the oxymoron). Nothing about learning to think, having an idea, or even studying something—anything! Can’t get there from here!

Freedom Scores

In summary, we may view the Freedom Scores for Obama in Table 3. He is rated as follows:

  • Collaborative relating with the caveat that Alinsky’s “Community Organization” dictates collaborating to manipulate for the benefit of the righteously-deserving underclass. (4.0)
  • Authoritarian in governance because his plan reflects the failed Social Engineering Programs of the past. (2.0)
  • Control in enterprise because there is not one iota of evidence for his comprehension of the private sector’s contribution to community well-being (this is a handicap for a person who never held a “real job” in the private sector). (1.0)

TABLE 3: Freedom Scores for Obama
Freedom Scores for Obama

Overall, Obama’s Mean Freedom Score is 2.3, rounded off to “2.” He is dedicated to Collaborative Cultural Relating which he seeks to achieve by employing Authoritarian Governance and “Controlled Free Enterprise” (an oxymoronic idea).

Once again, we return to the simple theme of Socialism versus Capitalism:

“You cannot distribute what you did not generate; e.g., wealth!”

To sum, Obama is going to bring to America what he brought to his communities: “Virtual Opportunities.” (Check his record out!)

How about “Data-Based Policy” as an alternative?

In the final analysis for Obama, Community Organizing is all about him getting elected. There is no sense of any respect for the effective ingredients for making America the greatest country in the history of civilization.

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