Thinking Wars America:
4. 2007—Every Child Falls Behind

Posted by Bob on October 10th, 2007

Now we may view the current levels of Generative Thinking for youth in 2007. The youth sampled demonstrated at least one level drop in ratings of their thinking systems (See Figure 3):

  • Order-driven or authoritarian in imposing directions without getting input, an imitation of their teachers in dictating images of information;
  • Sentence-driven in a retreat from systems or operational representations to conceptual or sentence representations of images of information;
  • Goaling-driven in a precipitous fall from exploring, understanding, and acting to a poor facsimile of goaling; e.g., discriminating the action behavior and studying for it.


Figure 3. Levels of Generative Thinking Processes (2007)

A mere seven years later, the youth demonstrated a precipitous fall from historic highs in thinking:

  • No longer were they Relating on “Merged Images” of responses.
  • No longer could they apply the “Systems Representations” of experience.
  • No longer did they strive for the risk-taking, entrepreneurial “Action Courses of Reasoning.”

It is no random occurrence that No Child Left Behind has dominated their learning experiences: “Every Child is Left Behind!”

In summary, the biggest tragedy of “No Child Left Behind” legislation is that We the People got “stuck” with the conditioned responding of its fraudulent promulgators.

The first thing that we must teach our children is this: You simply cannot tell a lie and expect it to come true!

The first accountability which we, ourselves, must assume is this: We simply must not believe a lie even if we hope that it will come true.

Perhaps the most that we can do is to get our so-called “educational leaders” to read simple texts such as this. Maybe they will become motivated to get some empowerment in Generative Thinking Systems. If they can learn to think, there is hope that they may no longer surrender to the Totalitarian side of “The Thinking Wars.”

Every child should learn to think. Then they’ll be free!


  1. Rick Bellingham Says:

    Dear Bob,

    What a sad legacy of No Child Left Behind. We have taught our children to imitate instead of relate, think one-dimensionally instead of multi-dimensionally, and engage in wishful thinking instead of creative thinking. As adults, we can’t succumb to sentimental thinking by believing what we’re hearing and hoping it might come true. We don’t need partisan bickering about the educational needs of our children, we need clear-eyed intellectuals to create new models for helping all children get ahead.

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