The Coming Totalitarian Takeover:
1. The Retreat From Destiny

Posted by Bob on July 19th, 2007

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Thanks for signing on. I’m Bob Carkhuff, and this is

The theme for today is The Retreat from Destiny.

For thinking people, this means that we had freedom in our hands—and then dropped it.

America climbed “The Mountains of Freedom” in her 200-odd years of existence. In cultural relating, she transformed a “boiling cauldron” into a “melting pot.”

In economics, she transformed a “tax-based, colonial system” into an “entrepreneurial-driven capitalistic system.”

In governance, she transformed “subjugated minions in a totalitarian system” into “constitutionally-mandated, policy-makers in a democratic system.”

By relating collaboratively, America established Peace in her 50 states for nearly 150 years.

By conducting entrepreneurial-free enterprise, America generated Prosperity which no nation has ever known.

By implementing direct democratic governance, America enabled Participation which no other citizens have ever known.

Yes, America climbed “The Mountains of Freedom.” And then retreated from her destiny!

Where is “America the Peaceful” where “We the People” responded empathically?

Where is “America the Prosperous” where “We the People” initiated entrepreneurially?

Where is “America the Participative” where “We the People” governed democratically?

Are our “Dreams of Freedom” gone forever?

  • Of Interdependent Cultural Relating?
  • Of Entrepreneurial-Driven Free Enterprise?
  • Of Directly Participative Governance?

Yes, America climbed “The Mountains of Freedom.” And the world followed. Until now!

Signing off for Freedomblog, this is Bob Carkhuff.

Remember, We the People hold our destinies in our minds. Think about it!

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And the wind be at your back.”

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