The Generativity Solution Generating Socioeconomic Solutions:
9. The Paradigm Shift to Generativity

Posted by Bob on November 7th, 2008

The paradigm shift to GPSâ„¢ requires that all NCD Components contribute to the substance of the products being produced and delivered. The criteria of measurement revolve around increasing the “size of the pie” rather than redistributing the “sizes of the pieces.”

In this context, we have once again placed Americans back in the leadership role:

  • The American learners with expansive acquisition of knowledge and skills;
  • The American workers with elevating levels of applications in producing products and delivering services;
  • The American entrepreneurs with escalating levels of transfer to generating wealth;
  • The American citizens with accelerating levels of enlightenment in governance and politics;
  • The American leaders with potentially infinite levels of generativity in all.

In other terms, we will have a Fulfillment of Human Generativity, Reinvigoration of The New Capitalism, and a Renaissance of Civilization.

Just as the corporate leaders on Main Street need to learn the ingredients of corporate growth, so do the national leaders in America need to learn the ingredients of socioeconomic growth.

Just as the underclass people marginalized by “The Cycle of Social Failure” need to learn how to become productive individually, so do those marginalized by “The Cycle of Financial Failure” need to learn to perform profitably in our times.

Rather than to pit Main Street versus Wall Street, we must all learn to become generative in entrepreneurial ways where each grows so that all have the opportunity to grow.

In transition, The Generativity Solution empowers us to solve all human crises. “The Generativity Solution” is “The Human Solution.”


  1. george banks Says:

    Dear Bob,

    I am reading your essays regarding The Generativity Solution – The Generativity Perspective with great excitement. Your extraordinary models are such because they reflect the implementation of a science for promoting human possibilities as opposed to a science for controlling human will and thought.

    With the complexity, comprehensiveness, and operational implications of your models, this latest essay regarding the Paradigm Shift says it all. We are failing economically and socially, because we are leaving the “human” out of the “equation.”

    With your models we can account for in a “new equation” the humanity of human processing at the level of the individual, organization, marketplace, community, culture, and civilization.

    Let’s get going.

    George Banks

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