Freedom Scores for Candidates:
5. Zeroes!

Posted by Bob on December 14th, 2007

We were asked to generate “Freedom Scores for Candidates.” We believed that to be a rather straight-forward scientific task as it had been for rating communities, cultures, and countries: study the policies, analyze the behaviors, project the implications. This has not proved to be straight-forward for the following reasons:

  • No candidates are addressing The Freedom Functions that made America great.
  • No candidates are addressing The Freedom Functions that will keep America great.

In this respect, on scales from 1 to 5, none of the candidates deserve ratings above zero on any of the Freedom Functions:

  • Cultural Relating which transformed us from a “Boiling Cauldron” to a “Melting Pot” of cultures.
  • Participative Government which transformed us from the “Dependent Subjects of the First King George” (Thank God!) to the “Empowered Policy-Makers of the Last King George” (Thank God!)!
  • Free Enterprise which transformed us from a “Colonial Economy” into an “Entrepreneurial-Driven Capitalistic Economy.”

Unfortunately, the Democratic candidates led by Hillary Clinton promote a socialist policy calculated to restore us again to our former dependency heritage:

  • “The Boiling Cauldron” of culture and class warfare;
  • “The Colonial Economy” based upon the redistribution of wealth that we can no longer generate;
  • “The Dependent Subjects of Authoritarian Governance” where no one has titles but everyone is entitled.

Just as unfortunate, the Republican candidates seek to replace “The Last King George” whose policies have already reduced us to the following:

  • “The Dependent Minions” of Monarchical Classism made in the image of “The First King George;”
  • “The Parasitic Consumer Host” of Multinational Corporations and their conspiratorial Nation-Partners along with entrenched American politicians who trade state secrets for foreign contributions to their campaign coffers;
  • “The Chain-of-Command Governance” of “The GRIM Complex”—Government Reinforced Industrial-Military Complex” which Our Honest and Heroic President Dwight Eisenhower warned us about.

Overall, the Modal Freedom Scores for Democratic and Republican candidates may be summarized as follows:

Democrats Republicans
Zero Zero

This is because everyone talks but no one “hears;” everyone “spins” but no one “wins;” everyone “knows,” but no one “grows!”

In short, everyone lies and no one even asks for the truth!

To even participate in this “political game” is to make us fraudulent!

This is our best effort. But we are still looking for “The Third Way!”


  1. George Banks Says:

    Dear Bob,

    The Modal Freedom Scores of “Zero” for Republican and Democratic candidates is due as much to choices made by “We the People” as it is due to choices made by the Presidential candidates regarding their messages to America.

    In preparing their political messages the candidates can count on several tendencies to be present in their American Audiences. They can count on a tendency of Americans to resist relating to the points of view of people from cultures and other backgrounds that are different from their own. They can count on a tendency of Americans to chose an economic relationship of consumption and dependency while resisting the challenge and profound contribution of free, entrepreneurial, economic enterprise. They can count on a tendency of Americans to resist the promotion of the inclusiveness of all people in the democratic process while choosing to restrict participation based on judgements of innate superiority.

    Recognizing these tendencies the Presidential candidates engage the voting public in a deception. Through their political messages of leadership they activate and energize the tendencies of Americans’ to resist. The persistence of this experience makes it more difficult for Americans to be ready for and open to those ingredients with the potential to fulfill the promise of freedom for Americans. Bob, these ingredients that you present to us are the Freedom Functions: Cultural Relating, Economic Enterprise and Participative Governance. Through the deception it is hard for Americans to determine that their aspiring leaders are failing to take responsibility in Freedom Functions that are most critical for our advancement as a nation.

    It is essential that “We the People” free ourselves of this deception used on us by our political candidates and indeed by ourselves. Recognizing the Freedom Functions can rid us of this deception. Indeed a grade of “Zero” for the Modal Freedom Scores of the Presidential candidates is a strong indication that both the candidates and “We the People” together have significant unfinished assignments to complete to begin to realize the full promise of American Freedom.

    G. P. Banks

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