Case Study Venezuela:
3. Economic Enterprise

Posted by Bob on July 31st, 2007

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Thanks for signing on. I’m Bob Carkhuff, and this is from our continuing series on “Case Study Venezuela.”

The theme for today is Economic Enterprise.

For thinking people, this means state control of the economy for totalitarians.

The second Freedom Function is Economic Enterprise. Basically, the Free Enterprise Mission was to empower the economy through private ownership:

  • To motivate the people to the acquisition, development and protection of private property;
  • To motivate the people to the privatization of the economy, including especially the nation’s natural resources;
  • To empower the people to become entrepreneurial initiators in leading the Free Enterprise Economy.

This Freedom Mission was for the private sector to own, operate and profit from the means of production while “spreading the wealth” in a “flow-down” economy.

Again, while Venezuela was progressing, she failed to accomplish her mission in time:

  • Too much of her wealth in oil was focused in the hands of the state with few of the directors disposed to sharing the benefits with the general population.
  • While the middle class was increasingly affluent, the process of building wealth in the middle class was far too slow.
  • Most disastrously, the working class accepted an unchanging peasant fate while the underclass was left to fend on its own.

Perhaps her greatest failure was Venezuela’s inability to accomplish her mission of producing an entrepreneurial class that would lead and generate Free Enterprise Economics.

To sum, Venezuela in the late 1990s was a product of “too little, too late.” Her citizens simply did not have the attitude of urgency in empowering people that is prerequisite to true freedom. In a sense, Venezuelans accepted their “European” fates: survival for the lower classes; comfort for the middle class; luxury for the upper class.

Whereas the Freedom Functions emphasized the Free Enterprise Economy, the Totalitarian Protocol emphasized directly the opposite: to destroy the private sector economy and build a state-controlled economy. Basically, the Totalitarian Mission of Venezuela was to destroy private ownership of anything:

  • To tear down the centerpiece of freedom, private ownership;
  • To control the sources of production and the benefits derived therefrom;
  • To undermine the development of individualism and true entrepreneurship because this, like all other initiatives, threatens state control.

In short, whereas the Freedom Mission was to produce entrepreneurial initiatives that would drive the Free Enterprise Economy, the Totalitarian Protocol was to “communize” the economy: undermining private ownership; emphasizing state ownership; destroying individualism and entrepreneurism.

Once again, the Totalitarians are succeeding because Freedom-Loving Peoples did not accelerate the goals of the Free Enterprise mission. Because they did not fully share the wealth that they helped to produce, the dependent-adaptive people of Venezuela willingly accept the redistribution of asset-derived wealth (oil) as a market mechanism.

Signing off for Freedomblog, this is Bob Carkhuff.

Remember, We the People must motivate people to the free enterprise mission. Think about it!

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