The Freedom Culture:
5. Participative Governance

Posted by Bob on July 8th, 2007

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Thanks for signing on. I’m Bob Carkhuff, “The True Voice of Freedom.” And this is

The theme for today is Participative Governance

For thinking people, this means how we participate in our own governance.

In the enlightened, modern world, governance is defined by participation. Government without participation restricts decision-making to representative councils or persons of increasingly isolated, Totalitarian “mind-sets”: they or he make decisions about citizens for citizens. And with the acceleration of change, they “know” increasingly less and less, until they “know” nothing about anything! Even when they are overthrown or replaced, one limited set of variability is replaced by another limited set of variability. The only real discrimination in governance is the degree of participation.

In this context, the levels of Participative Governance are defined in The Freedom Model:

Level 5: Free and interdependent participative governance defined by direct and “mutually beneficial” relations between citizens and decision-makers;
Level 4: Representative democratic governance defined by citizen relations with representatives who represent them with decision-makers;
Level 3: Mixed governance as defined by occasional or intermittent democratic and authoritarian activities;
Level 2: Authoritarian governance as defined by specific intentional governmental edicts;
Level 1: Totalitarian governance as defined by total control of political practices.

Signing off for Freedomblog, this is Bob Carkhuff, “The True Voice of Freedom.”

Remember, people, universal participation is the most effective form of governance leading to prosperity.

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And the wind be at your back.”

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