The Freedom Culture:
4. Economic Enterprise

Posted by Bob on July 7th, 2007

(Listen to the audio of this blog.)

Thanks for signing on. I’m Bob Carkhuff, “The True Voice of Freedom.” And this is

The theme for today is Economic Enterprise

For thinking people, this means how initiatively we conduct our economic affairs.

The key to the highest levels of Economic Enterprise is the modifier, “Free”. It is not the trade that defines it. It is the free thinking that generates initiatives to meet consumer needs that defines it. Specialty products make trade attractive. Trade agreements without attractive products are like rental properties without occupants. The plain fact of the matter is that nations cannot trade if they do not have something of value. In the long run, they will not have something of value if they cannot generate substance!

In this context, the levels of Free Enterprise Economics are defined in The Freedom Functions:

Level 5: Entrepreneurially-driven free and interdependent enterprise economics defined by “mutual trading for mutual benefit” with other nations;
Level 4: Capitalistic economics defined by maximizing financial capital-based investments and minimizing governmental burdens;
Level 3: Mixed economics defined by occasional or intermittently capitalistic and command practices;
Level 2: Command economics defined by specific intentional governmental command practices;
Level 1: Control economics defined by total governmental control of economic practices.

Signing off for Freedomblog, this is Bob Carkhuff, “The True Voice of Freedom.”

Remember, people, entrepreneurially-driven free enterprise has the highest level relationships with prosperity.

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And the wind be at your back.”

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