Roadmap to Freedom:
2. Voyage of Discovery

Posted by Bob on May 21st, 2007

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Thanks for signing on. I’m Bob Carkhuff, and this is Freedomblog.

The theme for today is Voyage of Discovery.

For thinking people, this means that all science is the explication or explanation of the unknown.

I am a scientist, an applied scientist who defines science as the “explication of the unknown.” I have spent my entire adult life of over 50 years on a “Voyage of Discovery.” Just like the Lewis and Clark Expedition of 1805 exploring the Louisiana Territory, I have experienced all stages of human development in the evolution of a Free Civilization—one that was once Peaceful, Prosperous, and Participative.

Just like Lewis and Clark who visited many First American communities in opening the West, I have experienced fully the evolution of humans in our time: as individuals, organizations, families, schools, colleges, governance, businesses, communities, cultures, and nations. I have found the developmental principle, “Ontogeny replicates Phylogeny” to be accurate: human development evolves as does the evolution of life.

Just like the original “Voyage of Discovery” in its dedication to our external Westward Expansion, I am committed to the internal expansion of Human Brainpower in all of its manifestations:

  • Relating to receive images;
  • Representing to improve images;
  • Reasoning to generate new and more productive images.

It is our human capacity to reason that empowers us to shape our own changeable destinies. It is our Reasoning that generates a Science of Freedom. It is our Human Brainpower that will save the world!

Signing off for Freedomblog, this is Bob Carkhuff.

Remember, We the People, that Human Brainpower is the most powerful source of freedom. Think about it!

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